ABI Fluorescence Detection (CE-IVD)2021-04-12T22:00:57+00:00

ABI Fluorescence Detection (CE-IVD)


ABI Fluorescence

Providing high quality, standardized molecular tools and globally standardized health care solutions.

We exclusively offer a comprehensive selection of PCR-based assays for ABI fluorescence detection, including targeted FLT3 ITD and TKD mutation assays, B- and T-cell clonality assays (based on EuroClonality/BIOMED-2 Concerted Action BMH4-CT98-3936), and translocation assays.
Products offered include CE-Marked IVD and Companion Diagnostic kits. These kits are designed to test DNA extracted from a variety of samples to identify targeted mutations, translocations, and clonal populations in suspect lymphoproliferations. Developed under ISO 13485 design control, our kits are used extensively across the world.

Providing high quality, standardized molecular tools and globally standardized health care solutions.

We exclusively offer a comprehensive selection of PCR-based assays for ABI fluorescence detection, including targeted FLT3 ITD and TKD mutation assays, B- and T-cell clonality assays (based on EuroClonality/BIOMED-2 Concerted Action BMH4-CT98-3936), and translocation assays.
Products offered include CE-Marked IVD and Companion Diagnostic kits. These kits are designed to test DNA extracted from a variety of samples to identify targeted mutations, translocations, and clonal populations in suspect lymphoproliferations. Developed under ISO 13485 design control, our kits are used extensively across the world.

Why it Matters

Detection, assessment and monitoring of point mutations, internal tandem duplications, and chromosomal aberrations can provide important insights to aid in patient care and treatment decisions.

PCR-based molecular testing is widely recognized as the gold standard to characterize and monitor chromosomal aberrations often associated with leukemias and lymphomas. Providing comprehensive solutions, Invivoscribe offers an array of assays for B- and T-cell gene clonality/rearrangements, point mutations, internal tandem duplications, and chromosome translocations for the assessment of hematologic malignancies.

How it Works

Our standardized tests can eliminate discordance between laboratories, streamline workflow, and simplify cross-training and assay validation.

Leukemias and lymphomas are sometimes challenging to identify by morphology, immunohistochemistry, and flow cytometry. Our PCR-based CE-marked IVD fluorescence detection assays are globally used to assess B and T-cell clonality/rearrangements, point mutations, internal tandem duplications, and chromosomal aberrations in both research and clinical applications.

Why it Matters

Detection, assessment and monitoring of point mutations, internal tandem duplications, and chromosomal aberrations can provide important insights to aid in patient care and treatment decisions.

PCR-based molecular testing is widely recognized as the gold standard to characterize and monitor chromosomal aberrations often associated with leukemias and lymphomas. Providing comprehensive solutions, Invivoscribe offers an array of assays for B- and T-cell gene clonality/rearrangements, point mutations, internal tandem duplications, and chromosome translocations for the assessment of hematologic malignancies.

How it Works

Our standardized tests can eliminate discordance between laboratories, streamline workflow, and simplify cross-training and assay validation.

Leukemias and lymphomas are sometimes challenging to identify by morphology, immunohistochemistry, and flow cytometry. Our PCR-based CE-marked IVD fluorescence detection assays are globally used to assess B and T-cell rearrangements, point mutations, internal tandem duplications, and chromosomal aberrations in both research and clinical applications.


Lymphoid cells are different from the other somatic cells in the body as during development, the antigen receptor genes in lymphoid cells undergo somatic gene rearrangement.

Since leukemia and lymphomas originate from the malignant transformation of individual lymphoid cells, all leukemias and lymphomas generally share one or more cell-specific or ‘clonal’ antigen receptor gene rearrangements. Clonality does not always imply malignancy; all results must be interpreted in the context of all other available indicative characteristics. Our tests detect clonal rearrangements and are useful in the characterization and treatment of B- and T-cell malignancies.


Lymphoid cells are different from the other somatic cells in the body as during development, the antigen receptor genes in lymphoid cells undergo somatic gene rearrangement.

Since leukemia and lymphomas originate from the malignant transformation of individual lymphoid cells, all leukemias and lymphomas generally share one or more cell-specific or ‘clonal’ antigen receptor gene rearrangements. Clonality does not always imply malignancy; all results must be interpreted in the context of all other available indicative characteristics. Our tests detect clonal rearrangements and are useful in the characterization and treatment of B- and T-cell malignancies.


IdentiClone assay kits are in vitro diagnostic products.

Intended for PCR-based ABI fluorescence detection of clonal rearrangements in patients with suspected lymphoproliferations. These molecular diagnostic products are used to test DNA extracted from a variety of patient samples to identify clonal populations in suspect malignancies. Our IdentiClone CE-marked in vitro diagnostic products are for sale and use only in the EU and other regions where CE-marked products have been appropriately listed.


IdentiClone assay kits are in vitro diagnostic products.

Intended for PCR-based ABI fluorescence detection of clonal rearrangements in patients with suspected lymphoproliferations. These molecular diagnostic products are used to test DNA extracted from a variety of patient samples to identify clonal populations in suspect malignancies. Our IdentiClone CE-marked in vitro diagnostic products are for sale and use only in the EU and other regions where CE-marked products have been appropriately listed.


FLT3 is a receptor tyrosine kinase that is normally expressed on many cell types including hematologic stem cells.  Activating mutations in this gene are the most common mutations found in AML, occurring in approximately 30% of patients at the time of diagnosis, and promoting the growth of abnormal leukemia cells. Many studies in AML have shown that the presence of FLT3 activating mutations portends a poor prognosis making it an attractive target for treatment. For this reason, FLT3 mutation testing is recommended to stratify disease and determine appropriate treatment options.


The most prevalent and clinically significant type of FLT3 mutation is an Internal Tandem Duplication (ITD) in the juxtamembrane domain of the FLT3 receptor.


The second most common mutation type in the FLT3 gene is a Tyrosine Kinase Domain (TKD) point mutation in the codon for an aspartate (D835) or an isoleucine (I836) residue that are located in the activation loop of the FLT3 protein.


LeukoStrat FLT3 Mutation Assay Kits are in vitro diagnostic products.

Intended for PCR-based gel or capillary detection of FLT3 activating mutations in patients with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). These molecular diagnostic products are used to test DNA extracted from a variety of patient samples and have demonstrated clinical efficacy identifying internal tandem duplications (ITD) and tyrosine kinase domain (TKD) mutations D835 and I836 in the FLT3 gene. Our CE-marked in vitro diagnostic products are for sale and use in the EU and other regions where CE-marked products have been appropriately listed.


LeukoStrat FLT3 Mutation Assay Kits are in vitro diagnostic products.

Intended for PCR-based gel or capillary detection of FLT3 activating mutations in patients with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). These molecular diagnostic products are used to test DNA extracted from a variety of patient samples and have demonstrated clinical efficacy identifying internal tandem duplications (ITD) and tyrosine kinase domain (TKD) mutations D835 and I836 in the FLT3 gene. Our CE-marked in vitro diagnostic products are for sale and use in the EU and other regions where CE-marked products have been appropriately listed.


In The News

日本の厚生労働省は、インビボスクライブの リューコストラット CDx FLT3変異検査を、再発/難治性で FLT3-ITD陽性の急性骨髄性白血病の治療に第一三共株式会社製キザルチニブを投与する際ののコンパニオン診断薬として承認しました。また、検体のEDTAでの採取保存にも適用を拡大します。

June 19th, 2019|2019 プレスリリース, プレスリリース|


In The News

日本の厚生労働省は、インビボスクライブの リューコストラット CDx FLT3変異検査を、再発/難治性で FLT3-ITD陽性の急性骨髄性白血病の治療に第一三共株式会社製キザルチニブを投与する際ののコンパニオン診断薬として承認しました。また、検体のEDTAでの採取保存にも適用を拡大します。

June 19th, 2019|2019 プレスリリース, プレスリリース|